Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Car & Spoon Fund

Not having access to my car has been causing me a lot of problems, including: lack of access to the pharmacy that my insurance requires; inability to get home from the grocery store with food; difficulty getting to doctor's appointments; trouble attending social events. Basically, there are some problems with my car that cost me money and energy to work around, when I can work around it at all. So I've started the Car & Spoon Fund. It will cost over $900 to pay parking tickets, fees, and permit costs. Then I have to fix the brakes, at a yet unknown cost. However, I will stop getting parking tickets, so it's a good investment.

Not being able to use my car is harming my health so I'm asking for help. To help, you can donate at any of the donate buttons on the site, like this one:

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