Sunday, October 5, 2014

Incident at Walgreens in San Francisco

I stopped at Walgreens on the way home from Wicked Grounds, around 11:30pm. I walked in with my purse and a small reusable grocery bag that gaped open because of the things inside of it. I made a beeline to the fingernail polish remover, picked up a bag of cotton squares and headed toward the front of the store. On the way, I saw some yellow nail polish that looked opaque and cost $2, so I put the cotton and polish remover in the hand that that held the grocery bag so I could pick up the polish. I took these three items to the front of the store.

As I was in line to check out, someone called over the intercom "security walk the floor please." I thought that they probably thought I'd put something inside my bag, which would have been a totally reasonable conclusion. A security guard came to stand by the exit, so I expected her to stop me to ask to look in my bag. I ordinarily wouldn't have consented but in this case I decided in advance that I would because I did think that they had cause. I checked out and put my items in the grocery bag, then headed for the door.

As I approached, I made eye contact with the security guard, fully expecting her to pull me aside. Instead, she turned to look at the black male teen that I was passing, who was waiting for his friend to check out.

She didn't stop me.

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