Thursday, March 3, 2016

Elizabeth Warren Doesn't Owe You Anything

Because it wasn't enough to go after Hillary Clinton, female Clinton supporters, black Clinton supporters, and any non-white-non-dude who didn't "sufficiently" support Sanders. Now Sanders supporters are attacking Elizabeth Warren, because for some reason, Sanders and Sanders supporters are entitled to get things from her without her having any say in the matter.

(The ladies love that, btw, that whole "lack of consent" thing. Big fans, let me tell you.)

Their candidate isn't winning and now that's Warren's fault-- not their candidate's. It actually is their candidate's fault and their fault, which they would have known that if they'd bothered to listen to black and female Clinton supporters. That was an untenable suggestion. We were obviously ignorant and needed to be "educated" on what our lives are like from some white guys that we've never encountered before.

I mean, they could fault Sanders but HEY, THERE'S A WOMAN OVER THERE. GET HER!

Oh, and only Warren. No endorsements or candidacies are required of any progressive men. Only Warren is required to "put out." Let's see, lack of consent, only applies to women, must be done for a man.... This seems so... familiar somehow. It's almost like women are... property... and not... people.

Elizabeth Warren doesn't owe you anything.

You do owe her though, and basic respect seems like a pretty low bar for what she's done for us.

This primary is going to shatter every bone in both of my middle fingers-- and maybe some replacement middle fingers too.

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