Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Things That Clinton and Sanders Are, According to Google Search Suggestions

I like Ike and Dick poster, "Vote Republican in 1956"
You may not have noticed that I always refer to Clinton and Sanders by their last names, despite both of them having personability campaigns that refer to them by first name only. In the case of Clinton, referencing her by her first name separates her from Bill Clinton, which is reasonable, but in the case of Sanders, he's going by his first name so people feel like he's their friend. I try to not participate in propaganda. I'm not always successful.

At any rate, I was futzing around on Teh Internets tonight and did an experiment to see how the Internet propaganda fight has affected search results.

Because I'm a nerd, ok?

For simplicity, Clinton is aligned left and Sanders is aligned right, for reasons unrelated to their politics.

First, what they are.

Hillary Clinton is (google suggestions): Israel, republican, sick, Israel Palestine

Bernie Sanders is (google suggestions): going to win, awesome, from, old

Now, what they are not.

Hillary Clinton is not (google suggestions): human

Bernie Sanders is not (google suggestions): boring, [null], presidential, going to win


And now the interesting results in alphabetical order.

Bernie Sanders is a (google suggestions): awesome, a radical, a draft dodger

Bernie Sanders is b (google suggestions): beating Hillary, best, brilliant

Hillary Clinton is c (google suggestions): cold, coming to town
Clinton == Santa.

Bernie Sanders is c (google suggestions): controlled opposition
Go down the rabbit hole

Um, not dead.

Hillary Clinton is d (google suggestions): disqualified, doomed, delusional, Delores Umbridge
Umbridge? Really?

Bernie Sanders is  (google suggestions): economically illiterate

Bernie Sanders is g (google suggestions): going to win, good, great, god
I'm sensing a theme.

Bernie Sanders is h (google suggestions): how old, he married, he good, healthy

Bernie Sanders is j (google suggestions): is Jesus
Oh dear.

Bernie Sanders is k (google suggestions): Karl Marx, Koch, Keystone XL, Koch Bros

Bernie Sanders is l (google suggestions): Larry David, like, like Obama

Hillary Clinton is l (google suggestions): Lois Griffin, losing ground

Bernie Sanders is m (google suggestions): my hero, my homeboy, married
My homeboy? Sigh.

Bernie Sanders is n (google suggestions): not boring, not, not presidential, not going to win

Bernie Sanders is r (google suggestions): rich, running as, running for president, real

Hillary Clinton is r (google suggestions): republican, running for what, rich
Sigh. Not republican.

Bernie Sanders is s (google suggestions): scum, senator from what state, senator of
Argh. Not scum.

Hillary Clinton is s (google suggestions): sick, scared, she running for president, she in trouble

Bernie Sanders is t (google suggestions): the new Ron Paul, the president we need, the best candidate

Hillary Clinton is t (google suggestions): the best candidate, that a bat
Is that a bat?

Bernie Sanders is v (google suggestions): vegan, Vermont, voting record, veterans bill
Not vegan.

Hillary Clinton is v (google suggestions): very intelligent, vice president, video, Vancouver

Hillary Clinton is y (google suggestions): is your new bicycle, young, young photos, yale
Is your new bicycle.


On the issue of gender, one is a woman and one is a man. 

Obviously. The results are not so obvious.

Oh wait. Male is the default. I almost forgot.

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