Friday, April 15, 2016

Let's Ask Science: Is It Sexist for Sanders to Interrupt Clinton? Part 2

CNN featured a guest article today reviewing the debating skills of the candidates based on last night's debate, which the author determined that Clinton "won," partly due to her responses but also due to poor responses by Sanders. This is the first item for which he deducts points:
She still interrupts too much. No improvement there.
She interrupts 1/3 as much as Sanders, which is too much, but Sanders' interruption rate is not mentioned, presumably because it's fine when he does it. The article also lists a time that Sanders tried to interrupt, without mentioning the attempt.

Per Wonkette:
the only time the candidates stopped doing Interrupting Cow to EACH OTHER was when they would lock arms and do it AT THE ANCHORS IN UNISON.
Sanders also falsely accused Clinton of not answering the question on four occasions, while repeatedly refusing to answer the questions.

Interrupting: only bad when the lady does it.*

*Unless you are a feminist website, in which case you don't use a gendered view of interruption.

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