Thursday, July 21, 2016

I Made You a Thing: Milo is Disappoint.

Milo Yiannopoulos Has Been Banned from Twitter for Launching Multiple Harassment Campaigns

So of course, he wrote some posts lying about the situation so he can pretend to be the victim, claiming that he was banned for his "conservative views" as part of systemic discrimination against conservatives. Part of the harassment attack was to create Twitter accounts designed to look like their target's account, posting things they deem "racist to white people" and whatnot. Their screenshots of these posts are presented as proof that they were merely "fighting back" against a racist, because we are too stupid to see the verified account checkmark or check a timeline.

At any rate, the articles about the issue have had commenters come in to back his claims of discrimination but instead of providing other "victims" of this "systemic discrimination," his defenders get angry if you ask for other examples. It's so hilariously entertaining to expose/countertroll them that I keep losing track of time. Jef Rouner (who they have targeted before) wrote an article about the situation and we've been waiting for the comment trolls to show up. They haven't! It's so sad.

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