Sunday, June 12, 2016

Elizabeth Warren Still Doesn't Owe You Anything

"... and without your approval."
Certain "progressive" men like to claim that they don't hate Clinton because she's a woman (and it's sexist to contradict them on that no matter how well you can support your argument). They only hate her because Hillary Clinton specifically deserves it. And they can prove it, because they love Elizabeth Warren! Anyone with experience with guys like that knew better, so it was wholly unsurprising when male Sanders supporters started attacking her for not endorsing Sanders.

You see, if she'd endorsed Bernie, he would have won last night! Bernie lost because of Warren's backstabbing!

You see, they like women as long as we are doing what they want us to do, but act like an autonomous human being and KWAPOW we're traitors to the cause! And in this case, obviously, Sanders or his supporters couldn't be to blame for his loss; the nearest woman is to blame. Sanders and his fans were entitled to an endorsement and that she didn't consent to that was meaningless to them.

Original article placement. I only
cropped the box.
When Clinton approached a mathematical clinch of the nomination, AP announced that they would be calling the election on Tuesday. People predicted an "inevitable" attack against Warren if she backed Clinton. Clinton clinched the nomination Monday night due to superdelegate announcements. Sanders supporters blamed AP for calling superdelegates to ask if they'd decided (you know, their job), which is bad because only Sanders and harassing Sanders supporters are allowed to contact superdelegates. Female AP staff started being harassed and AP issued staff warnings about it.

And then Warren endorsed Clinton. She waited until she knew who the candidate would be and then endorsed the party candidate instead of the man who lost. Frankly, it was a sensible move that I would expect from such a sensible woman. So, of course, Sanders supporters were entitled to have Warren fail to endorse Clinton. Now she's "a traitor to everything we thought you believed in."

Thankfully, the media seems to have had enough of this nonsense and is now reporting on the harassment campaign against Warren by Sanders supporters-- complete with hundreds of angry posts so we can all see just how terrible these jerks are.
Told you folks…this sellout will turn on a dime to make a buck or get power. She’s frothing at the mouth at the very thought of being vp….regardless of if it means standing by satan. 
Traitor, warren you are nothing in our eyes now. 
All this Sen Warren stuff was manufactured by the media from the start anyway.

That last one seems to be a "Nice Guy" that Warren just turned down for a date. He didn't like her anyway! /runs away crying. I knew it! I knew it all along! I told you guys! I'm loving the "I told you guys that she was cheating her way to the top just like Clinton" maneuver. It's so completely not subtle and they think they have us all fooled because their moms told them that they're smart.

Besides, three days ago, it was "well, maybe I'll support Clinton if she picks Warren as her VP." Oh, the fickle hearts of men.

This is your apparently needed daily reminder than Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton supporters, women in general, and George RR Martin are not your bitches. We are fully autonomous people with brains and thoughts and feelings and priorities and quite frankly, a lot of us are sick of being treated like we and our votes are inherently less valuable because we didn't follow our voting orders from Sanders fans. We get to endorse who we want. We get to vote for who we want. We are allowed to disagree, even if we are female or you really want to read the last book.

Women are people. I know that it seems difficult for some of you to understand that, but maybe ask a biology professor for guidance or something.

If you want to know why we endorse and vote for people that you don't like, maybe read the text where we say why instead of berating us based solely on your imagination. Why is this such a difficult concept?

PS. John Lewis is also not your bitch.

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