Thursday, June 16, 2016

Viva la Retribucion: Preemptive Victim Blaming for Not Voting as "Instructed"

If you go back through my posts this election, here and elsewhere, you can verify that not once have I asked for people to vote according to my opinion. I have my opinion. I state it. I back it up. I ask you to consider it. End of transaction. I have repeatedly stated that it is correct for different people to have different political priorities that depend on the circumstances of their lives. My arguments may or may not be compelling within the context of your life and that's fine.

However, there has been a very strong contingent this primary season of people who simply cannot abide people "refusing" to vote for "the right" candidate. And I'll be clear about this: it's only one candidate. In fact, they've been so adamantly pro-Sanders that they consider it "telling them how to vote" for superdelegates or Clinton supporters to have an opinion-- or even for reporters to report statistics showing Clinton in the lead. "That's unethical and it shouldn't happen!" But of course, it's perfectly legitimate for them to tell us how to vote based on their opinion of what's best for us, which of course is actually what's best for the Default White Male.

angry-looking orange tabby with a Trump-style hairball toupee
Orange fluff ball of hate.
It's not surprising; it's just the same old same old. They are mostly educated, middle-class white men who spent the primary whitesplaining to Black people and mansplaining to women that our needs are actually less important than helping poor people pay for college, on the (very flawed) assumption that the middle class goal of attending college is a universal goal among the poor and also, anyone who paid for college already suffers no forms of inequality.

However, stomping your feet and yelling that people must vote with you because you know that your needs are universal? It's just not very convincing to people who have different needs. And when people voted for their own needs instead of following instructions, Sanders zealots were appalled and shocked and furious! "Why are women and Black people so stupid that they voted against their interests?"

"They refused to vote as we instructed, but they ask for party unity, so now they're telling us how to vote? No one tells us how to vote!"

Bernie Trump or Bust!

"well, Stephanie, you have allowed Donald Trump the presidency.... She isn't who this country needs. Then you Hill supports will flock to us, when Trump is president, wanting a revolution, We won't tell you to sit down, get over it. We will fight with you. That time will come."
"And I'll say 'I told you so!'"
At first, the Bernie or Bust movement seemed like nihilism with a side-order of "I thought socialism was a boogeyman until a white dude ran against Hillary Clinton." But when they didn't win, a nastier side came to light.

Clinton supporters said "OK, we have a nominee now. It's time to work together to defeat The Orange Fluffball of Hate! If he wins, the GOP will control all three branches of government, and women and minorities will lose rights! And the SCOTUS nomination means they could lose rights for decades! And also, he's freaking terrible and will probably kill us all but will most certainly make penis jokes during the State of the Union Address!"

And Bernie or Busters replied "No! I'm voting for Trump because he's anti-establishment! If we get a Trump presidency and you lose your rights, it's your fault for voting for Clinton! That's what you get for not supporting the right candidate! Then you'll come begging for us!"

They don't want the best remaining candidate to win. They don't want to protect the progress that we've made. They don't want to ensure that women and minorities retain our rights and get access to greater equality-- progressive ideals that Busters previously claimed to hold dear. They want us to lose health care, lose rights, and suffer so that we learn the error of our ways and beg them to take us back like a codependent ex.

They want retribution.

Viva la Retribucion!

Bernie Sanders as Che Guevera: Viva la Retribucion!
Many of them insist that they will not back Clinton unless she adopts Sanders' platform, which lost. Even though it lost, it is "the only platform that can win." [insert mental gymnastics here] And because we dared to vote "incorrectly," they will sabotage the election to punish us. Also, we must be superdeduper nice to them because don't we know they have feelings?

I really loved this friend of a friend, who believes that the person who got 55% of the vote isn't "a vital piece of the [Democratic Party] puzzle," but the guy who got 45% is (stats cherry-picked in his favor). Because reasons! It's Clinton's job to unite the party, not Sanders' job to endorse her, breaking from tradition. And she is to unite the party by conceding to the loser on every issue!

After all, tradition and even contracts don't apply if that means supporting a woman. If the woman doesn't submit to their demands, she's not "doing the right thing."

Edited for clarity: And if Hillary doesn't choose to do the right thing and unite the party behind the progressive agenda we're choosing, then someone else will be forced to do it for her... Hillary may think she's a vital piece of the puzzle, but she's not as important as she thinks.... Trump's voters are an insignificantly tiny sliver o a shred of a fraction of a measly minority." "Ever heard the term 'cut off your nose to spite your face?'" "We're not cutting off any noses; we're giving them progressive nose jobs...."

Also, if Sanders endorses her, it's because he's diluting his own message.

"...this guy doesn't owe her a thing. Caving now will only diminish the message. And the message is that the Democratic Party must sit up ad listen to the progressive voice. They're obviously not yet ready to do that, or to take us seriously."

He'd even be a traitor to his own cause, just like Elizabeth Warren.

Shaun: "Ah man I thought Elizabeth was legit." Ted: "She is." Barb: "You thought Elizabeth was 'legit'? What are you going to do when Bernie endorses Hillary and asks you to vote for her? Will you do it, or will you turn against him too?" Shaun: "Hell no I won't. If that happens that I was wrong about Bernie... Obviously. What a stupid question."

Or perhaps just a hostage to the party that he decided to join to get publicity, since upholding your end of that bargain is... well, I'll let this dude speak for himself because I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it.

"Personally I don't believe he should compromise his values by offering an endorsement of Clinton. This would be the equivalent of a hostage's taped statement for some jihadist group prior to having his head sawn off with a blunt knife!"
Totes the same thing, dude.

Others insist that the DNC nominate Sanders anyway, to listen to the "Will of the People." Otherwise, they will write Sanders in in the states that allow that, which should totally intimidate us because they are the only people who count. Or exist, I can't tell which it is anymore.

"43 write in states. The REVOLUTION is coming, DNC. You can recognize the will of the People, or you can feel the Bern- your CHOICE. We WILL have Bernie, with or without you. With you, you cease obstructing, he gets the nomination. Without, we write him in and begin a whole new Party. CHOOSE. Light then up, Berners."

Or leave the Democratic Party, which should scare us because they are so goddamned important.

"We are prepared to de-register from the Democratic Party and explore other options. Maybe we don't get it done in this election, but I can damn well guarantee you this: We mean business," Frazier said, "If Bernie Sanders does not walk out of that thing as the nominee, we can guarantee you from that point on we'll start the de-registration of the Democratic Party. They have a choice to make."

And on their way out, they are going to vote against any downmarket candidate that supports Clinton, to ensure that the Democrats can't take the Legislative branch either.

"Our choices are Trump, Stein, Johnson, write-in Bernie, or stay home. Red states, vote Stein or Johnson. Blue states for Stein or Trump. Purple states, Trump or anyone else or no one. I personally don't  think I'll be staying home because I have to vote against Hillary supporters on the down ballot. June 29 is 'Drop the Dems Day'= the day that disgruntled Democrats drop their party in unison."

After all, the DNC cheated by upholding its rules, making "the wrong person" win.

"The DNC distorting the process enough to enable the wrong person to win will prove to be a pyrrhic victory."
I prefer a trochaic victory, myself.

Some of them are even threatening to vote for Trump as a way to convince superdelegates to switch to Sanders, overruling the "Will of the People" that they said they held so dear.

"To all the Democratic Super-delegates... Give us Bernie, or we'll give you Trump!"
"Maybe Bernie supporters should threaten to vote for Trump just to fuck with the Shillary supporters. Just to be clear, when I make a threat I am NOT afraid to follow through with it.!

Oo. He's not afraid to follow through with threatening to vote for Trump to troll. I'm impressed. Some just believe that Trump and Sanders are the same because "Establishment."

"Trump and Bernie have more in common than Hillary and them. The establishment needs a shakeup. At least they admit it."
"A strategy mane of the online Sanders supporters want to take seems to be drumming up widespread anger with a Trump win- and the starting a fresh campaign for Sanders. A member of he group said: 'I will vote for Trump as a f*** you to the stupid people that voted Hillary in. We are more likely to have a revolution with Trump in office and less likely to have a foreign war.'"
Obviously, civil war is better than foreign war.

It's a "fuck you to the stupid people that voted Hillary in." At least someone can admit that the motivation is vindictiveness and retribution.

She Was Asking for It

And as a last resort, if Trump wins because they refuse to support Clinton (which they do based on lies and misogyny), all of those women and black people who voted for her will lose their rights and get what's coming to them.

"The #ifwebernyoubernwithus hashtag refers to the idea that 'if you voted Hillary, you deserve Trump,' and that some Bernie Sanders supporters would rather the country "bern" with Trump as leader than Hillary Clinton become president."
"So don't bother guilt-tripping us about our vote. We will not yield or be silenced. Own your choice to vote for the same old Corruption who protest the Big interest groups and Wall Street and don't blame us when you vote for Hillary results with Trump in WH!"
Saying that you want rights is a guilt trip and not an actual concern, obvs.
cp: "there is still one primary left and Bernie predicts that he will get 6000% of the vote!" vf: "He already did his damage to the dems, the party is split" d: "hillary split it with help from DWS. She is the reason that we are going to get Trump."
After all, once there was a man in the race, she should have dropped out!
al: "Really Gary? You relish the idea of 'crashing and burning?' If Trump gets elected, you deserve him." io: "If Trump is elected, I'll blame those who picked the most disliked Democrat in polling history to represent their party... even though she has been struggling in the polls versus Trump AND is under FBI investigation. Smooth move, Dems."
Well, we should defund Planned Parenthood too then. Any trumped up investigation is proof!
"This gash." Totally no sexism involved here, "Valerie."

Or at the very least, it's "The Establishment's" fault, so they absolve themselves of responsibility for their votes.

"Sanders ran as a Democrat, not as an independent or third-party candidate, and if Clinton loses she has only herself and the establishment to blame. It's only June and many are already laying the groundwork to blame Sanders if Trump somehow wins."
Because lying about Clinton and the DNC for months is "righteous" and irrelevant.
trippin: "The people responsible should Donald Trump get elected are those who forced Hillary Clinton on the electorate. Period. There'll be no scapegoating this time. Clinton and her pal Debt Trap Debbie engaged in a flawed strategy that presumes everyone will just line up behind the Entitlement Queen like good little brain-vacant stooges. It doesn't work like that any more. Of Clinton wants to be elected, she's going to have to earn it."
The guy who did nothing isn't entitled but the woman who worked still needs to earn it. Hmm.

The popular vote "forced Hillary Clinton on the electorate." Because, you know, votes by women and minorities aren't actually votes because we're not part of "the electorate."

trainsam: "Sorry but the Nader-style spoiler role has already been played by Hillary. We had a true progressive who would've beaten Trump. But too many people voted for the spineless shill that Trump will mop the floor with."
Ahh yes, the "spineless" lady from the Benghazi hearing who didn't quit the race when ordered.

Because, of course, the way to prove that misogyny has nothing to do with your beliefs is to say that women are "asking for it if" they vote for the female candidate and then you vote with the intention to sabotage the female candidate. You voting to sabotage the female candidate is the fault of her supporters for not following your orders.

After all, women are responsible for anything bad and men are responsible for anything good.

If you are ever discussing women and the phrase "asking for it" comes out of your mouth, just fucking shut up and rethink your life.

In Closing... 

I bring you this thread, which should live in infamy if there is any sanity left in the world. (TW: sexism, suicidal threats, more sexism, ableist false claims of mental illness, a lot of cursing, and a metric butt tonne of racism.)

Sadly, there is just too much here to transcribe.

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